A 14-Week Journey Home To The Truth of Who You Are
/ Exploring Self-Embodiment Through The Elements of Nature /
Waitlist now open for our next session in 2022
“Who am I and why am I here?”
How often do we take the time to ask ourselves this question? How long do we allow ourselves to listen, and wait for an answer?
Past the labels of female and daughter and sister and mother and wife and friend. Past our skin color and nationality and degrees and career title and economic status and other people’s expectations of who we are supposed to be. These labels blur our vision. So who are we when the mirror of the heart is cleaned?
Who we understand ourselves to be and choose to show up as in the world, is not ONE of the most important questions of our lifetime — it’s THE question.
It’s from these deeply embedded ideas of Self that we create our entire reality. Every choice we make grows from the soil of the Self — from tactile things like the jobs we take, the food we eat, the company we keep, the media we consume, and the stuff we accumulate — to the less tangible things like who we seek as a life partner, how we interact with family members, our relationship with our finances, the boundaries we set and don’t set, the compassion we have for those different than us, our relationship with nature, our ability to communicate, and whether we pursue our impossible dream.
How can I start listening to the true needs
of my Soul?
Barely perceptible, for most of us the needs of the Soul come in at but a whisper, beneath the much more audible cries of the body, mind, and senses. In this 14 week course, we meet at the intersection of ancient eastern philosophy and modern western science, to learn practices in holistic self-care that help us to better hear the inner voice.
The path reveals itself to the dedicated seeker — the traveler willing to get a little dirty to familiarize herself with the terrain. By bringing the body into optimal health, while simultaneously learning how to tame the senses and fluctuations of the mind, we satiate our base needs and are able to reflect on a deeper level.
This fall, nurture your inner and outer landscape to better understand the path you are meant to walk. Invest in your inner voice, and take your spirituality beyond the mat to discover what living your yoga means to you.
We choose what grows. It’s time to turn the soil and plant the seeds of our fullest potential.
This is the Season of You.
September 20, 2021 – December 21, 2021
Live classes will be held on Monday evenings
from 6:00 – 8:00 pm eastern / 3:00 - 5:00 pm pacific
Our online sessions will be conducted via Zoom. Catiebelle will email you 30 minutes prior to class with the zoom link which you can use to access the live group video call.
This is an intimate container for life-long transformation. The fall semester is currently capping at 33 womxn (she/her) who are ready to embody their truest Self.
This course is an exploration of our vital life-force, and more fully embodying the truth that lights us up inside. During our 14 weeks together we will weave together and navigate:
∆ Traditional Chinese Medicine’s 5-Element Theory
(including movement of chi through the major
organs and meridians, and working with emotions)
∆ The Great Elements of Ayurveda & The Chakra
System (including movement of prana through the
nadis, and working with meditations, mantras, yoga
poses, breath work, journaling, self-care practices,
and affirmations)
∆ Wisdom of the Classical Yoga Texts
(The Yoga Sutras & The Bhagavad Gita)
∆ Cycles & Seasons (Living with the Moon,
the Season, & the time of day)
• Weekly Group Embodiment Labs: 2 hour sessions with movement, lectures, immersive activities, and enriching group discussions with your peers, building community and accountability.
• An In-Depth 100+ Page Workbook: with weekly take home practices for each element, as well as Patanjali’s Yamas and Niyamas. Workbook includes 4 month planner, journal prompts, daily rituals, bhakti mantras, ayurvedic recipes, yoga poses, breathing exercises, meditations, drawing activities, and more!
• 1:ON:1 Coaching Calls with Catiebelle (one on the first week & one on the last week)
• 4 Guest Speaker Lectures with empowered women in the fields of holistic wellness, followed by interactive
Q&A session.
• 24/7 Community Support and Friendship Through Our Private Community Chat Board
• Plus Bonus:
- Mindful Community Meal, Live on Zoom
- A Different Accountability Partner Each Month
- Pop-Up Yoga Asana Classes
- Blast-From-The-Past Video Content in the
Replay Library
- Additional Discounts on Yogic Self-Care’s Classes,
Trainings, Retreats, & Mentorship
Because you desire and DESERVE
• Higher quality relationships
• Empowered communication
• Clarity of purpose
• A calmer state of the mind
• Increased energy
• Brighter skin
• Better sleep patterns
• Smoother breath & more supple body
• Sharpened mental focus
• Clean & efficient digestive health
• A deeper understanding of your own needs
• A strong foundation for lasting self-love
• A grounding in who you truly are
September 20, 2021 – December 21, 2021
Live classes will be held on Monday evenings
from 6:00 – 8:00 pm eastern / 3:00 - 5:00 pm pacific
Week 1: Opening Ceremony, Introduction to
Yogic Self-Care, & Community Circle
Autumnal Equinox: Sun Salutations & Kirtan
Week 2: The Earth Element & Muladhara Chakra
Week 3: The Metal Element & Release
Week 4: The Water Element & Svadhisthana Chakra
Week 5: Guest Speaker: Nicole Pemberton "Womb Wisdom"
Week 6: The Wood Element & Growth
Week 7: Guest Speaker: Shannon Kaiser "Abundance Mindset"
+ Bonus Mindful Dinner & Community Circle
Week 8: The Fire Element & Manipura Chakra
Week 9: The Air Element & Anahata Chakra
Week 10: Guest Speaker: Ira Ruiz "Prema Breathwork"
Week 11: The Ether Element & Vishuddha Chakra
Week 12: The Light Element & Ajna Chakra
Week 13: Guest Speaker: Rachel Walsh "Yoga Nidra"
Week 14: Sahasrara Chakra, Community Circle, & Closing Ceremony
Winter Solstice: Sun Salutations & Kirtan
1 Season is 14 weeks
& 33+ contact hours of
live community learning via Zoom
This is an investment of time and energy, in YOU. The full energy exchange for this transformational 14 week period is $444 USD. Monthly payment plans are available. Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds at this time. Message me with your needs and we will make it work!
• Full Price $444 (payment plans available)
• Returning Yogic Self-Care Students $333
• BIPOC Community $333
Each semester is limited to 33 Womxn dedicated to doing the inner work and going deep. You will receive the welcome email once you register through the website by filling out the pink form at the bottom of this page and choosing your payment plan. Priority will be given to those students who finish the payment portion of the registration process first. If you do not get in to the Fall Semester, your registration will reserve your spot for the Spring!